Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I'm still not sure how I feel about having my personal life broadcasted across the internet for all to read. Isn't this just a little bit strange? It will definitely take some getting used to. And for those of you that are using the blog to find out details on the wedding, don't think that I'm going to just give everything away! I don't want you to know everything!

Apparently my dentist appointment yesterday was not just for molds. Actually, I got temporary veneers put on and everything, including the implant will be finished by next Friday! I am so relieved. I feel like I've been dealing with this tooth business for years... it's true, I have! For those that don't know... I knocked out my front tooth in grade 6 skiing. They tried to replant my tooth, and it lasted until about grade 11. Then I was given a fake tooth, which I have had up until this point. Last summer, I started the process of a dental implant, in which they graft a titanium screw into the bone of my mouth. Sound painful? Actually, it wasn't really. Being put under and using Tylenol 3 helped quite a bit! So now, almost a year later, I'm in the final stage of the implant; putting the porcelain tooth on. However, when I saw the porcelain tooth in my mouth, I didn't like how it looked (long story), so now I'm getting veneers on the two surrouding teeth so that everything will look even. It's been a long (and expensive - thanks mom and dad) process, but it's almost done!

Other than that... nothing too exciting to blog about... haha blog. Whoever thought of the term "blog" anyway? Anyone know?

Courtney @ 2:50 PM

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

My first time blogging... is that even right? Is it called blogging?! Clearly, I'm new at this.

Today I didn't have to go into work because I have about two and a half hours of dental appointments, smack in the middle of the day (I swear, I've been to the dentist so much, I could pretty much be one). We're still trying to finish up the dental implant I had last summer and now it looks like I'm getting veneers too. I am a little nervous about the veneers. My mom put the idea into my head that I could wind up with teeth that look like rabbit teeth, and of course, I cannot get that vision out of my head. Those would be fabulous wedding pictures. Fortunately, this visit is only to take the molds for the veneers. I'm sure Greg (my dentist) will put my fears to rest.

This morning I went to the gym and met with my personal trainer, Jacki. It's called getting in better shape for the wedding and "living a healthier lifestyle". Meeting with a trainer definitely makes me feel more motivated. Anyway, the last time I met with Jacki, we were talking about nutrition and she asked me if I liked cottage cheese. To be honest, I had never tried it. I'd seen it, but never tried it. So this week, I bought some and this morning, after my gym date, I tried to suck some back by mixing it with fruit. I think cottage cheese has got to be the grossest food on the shelf. Why would I want to eat watery and gooey cheese curds? Absolutely disgusting. Never again will I put myself through that torture.

I would write more, but it's time to go the dentist.

Courtney @ 12:10 PM