Friday, April 29, 2005

So today is my last exam... phew! I'm exhausted. Please pray for me and the entire of Group C (my crew) about this exam but also for safe summers. The exam is at 9:00am and ends at noon. And then... it is hard to believe, we will be done first year law school! It feels like a great accomplishment!

Courtney @ 7:12 AM

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

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I loved going to Banff with James... that was seriously one of the best trips ever. We went to Calgary to visit James' best friend Nic, with my roommate Marissa and then we all drove up to Banff.

Speaking of which... I need a vacation. I'm exhausted. I have two exams in the next 48 hours. One starts at 1:00pm today and the next is Friday at 9:00am. All you prayer warriors out there... I need you! I cannot WAIT to be finished!

I must say though, that I have an excellent support group. James is my sanity... the 3 girls in my study group are encouraging and uplifting in the craziest of times... even friends not in London are awesome at sending little notes to motivate me to continue! My family, especially those parents of mine, are so great! I love my chats with my mom 2 hours before the exam and miss them when I can't get in touch (like right now and that's why I'm blogging!).

I've been blessed with a fabulous support group... of course the best support comes from God... and I know many of you don't believe in that sort of thing. But I've got to say, in my most dark of times when anxiety seems to overcome all of my reasonable thoughts, and none of those other supportive people are around, God is. And I can't thank Him enough.

Courtney @ 10:17 AM

Monday, April 25, 2005

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So my aunt told me how to post pictures... so I thought I would include one from Law Ball of James and I! Soooo cute!!

Exam went well today! It was my favourite subject: Constitutional Law. Sometimes when I think about practicing law, that's all I actually want to do, but I think it is hard to just practice in that one area. But if I could choose one area of law right now, I think that would be it... YES... even over criminal law.. Anyway it is hard to believe that I only have two more exams this week and then I'm done! Then we can get down to business with this wedding!! YAY!

Okay that's all I've got for ya right now.... have to study contract law...

Courtney @ 9:37 PM

Friday, April 22, 2005

Please send prayers my way! I have a property law exam at 1:00pm that goes until 3:10pm. It's a little tricky at times and will be needing it! And don't forget the girls in my study group! It will definitely be a relief when this one is finished!

Courtney @ 9:38 AM

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I think I may be experiencing a calm before the storm...

Today I'm having a great day! I feel good... I made it through my property law summary and feel like I've got a pretty good grasp of all these concepts for grants and trusts. But I know that this material isn't exactly simple, so I'm not sure why I feel so calm. I'm hoping that this is a good thing and that later today I won't be biting my fingers nails apart in a panic!

I'm very excited because James and I are going to be looking at a couple of apartments on Friday for next year. Our search has 4 major criteria. We want something that is close to the University, on the bus route, will have enough space for two, and is affordable. And I suppose there was a 5th criteria as well... the apartment should, where possible, be close to Corie's apartment, if not in the same building! So the two that we look at tomorrow definitely satisfy the "Corie Criteria" considering that we are looking in her building and just down the road!

I am very much looking forward to living with James... just the two of us. As many of you know, we ended up in a different sort of situation that most couples, especially Christian couples! Living in the same house, in two different rooms with 3 other people with very different personalities has brought many challenges this year. But for James and I, I think it has really pulled us together. We have come to rely on one another this year more than any other, not only in the emotional sense, but also in a practical way as well.

James is so amazing when I'm studying for school. He'll cook dinner without complaining, clean up and always pops his head in to see if I need a break. I think that James has really appreciated that I do his laundry, including folding, among other things. Living in the same house has allowed us to see where we are different, but also where we are the same... we both despise messy kitchens and bathrooms! So while it has been wonderful being in the same house... I hope that it hasn't taken away the excitement and "newness" of living with one another for the first time. Regardless, this has definitely reaffirmed over and over that I love him so much and I am so blessed to have him in my life.

Courtney @ 1:46 PM

Monday, April 18, 2005

So it was a fisher. Fishers are carnivores and generally live in dense forests, usually close to a source of water (when I read that on the internet I thought it was a pretty dumb comment, because OF COURSE they would live near some sort of water, because they need water to survive). Apparently they are fairly good at catching fish. In the U.S. fishers are a protected species that may make it into the endangered species list. But how can they be endangered in one country and not another. In Canada they are actually quite common, but don't like people and that is why, when James and I saw him, he ran into a hole. And for the feminists out there... yes HE could have been a SHE, but from the angle we saw the fisher at, it looked like a he.

Today was my first exam. It was a pleasure to write and I am so glad I don't ever really have to think about torts again.... knock on wood. But I don't want to talk about my exams because they are boring.

Instead I have a question... and for those of you who have yet to LEAVE A COMMENT... you can answer this one too (just click on comments and it will open a window to let you leave a comment). James and I defrosted some chicken tonight and when I started to cut it, it smelled so bad. It didn't seem like a normal smell, but I know for sure that the chicken was not rotten before we froze it. The date on the package said March 18, but we usually freeze the chicken right away, so it shouldn't have gone bad... right? I guess my questions are... how do you know if chicken has gone bad? and... how long can you leave chicken in the freezer until it is no good to eat?

So instead of eating chicken, we walked to Sebastian's and had sandwiches. Then James walked me to school because I had to work. So sweet! Aww young love... enough cheese... property law is calling my name.

Courtney @ 10:58 PM

Sunday, April 17, 2005

This morning I woke up at 8:00am to start studying for my exam tomorrow, (I know! sooo studious!) which is at 1:00pm, not 2:00pm as I stated in my last post. I was completely aware of this fact when I last posted, but I have received some concerned msn messages... don't worry I'll be on time!

As I was sitting at my desk in my room, all I could hear were the sounds of the world waking up. Especially, these incredibly loud geese and ducks. It sounded as if they were having a huge party. And since I LOVE to procrastinate, I ran down to the basement and told James that we were going for a walk. He was not impressed. James is definitely not a morning person.

This will add an interesting dynamic to our marriage considering I love the early morning hours of the day (between 6:30am and 9:00am) because that is when I get the most done. James, I suppose also loves the early morning hours of the day, but that is because he prefers to stay up ALL night and then go to sleep at 5:00am. Those are HIS productive hours.

Anyway, I managed to convince him that it was a good idea and we made our way down to the Thames River. Unfortunately, I think we saw like 3 Canadian geese and that was it. All the squawking had ended. I have to admit that I was a little disappointed, but it was a nice way to start the day. The last time James and I went for a walk by the Thames, we saw a marmot. Or what I originally thought to be a marmot, but now I'm not sure. Because when I looked up marmot on the internet, they are actually just groundhogs. Funny enough, I am pretty sure that there is one that lives underneath my next-door neighbours garage and he hangs out in our backyard. So that still doesn't explain the animal we saw by the river.

Any ideas? I know it wasn't a mink, because it wasn't long and sleek like a mink. He was big and fat like a marmot/groundhog. Enough procrastination... I'm going back to studying.

Courtney @ 10:49 AM

Saturday, April 16, 2005

83 days until the big day.

It is so unreal to me that it is so close. We were engaged in 2003 and now it is 2005 and it's almost here. I'm getting anxious and more excited as each day passes.

The only thing standing in the way of me and the wedding are my April final exams at school. While I don't dread these exams as some of my classmates do, I'm still not looking forward to them. 6 exams in a span of less than two weeks. It would give even the best student heart palpitations!

But unlike many other students, I have something big waiting for me just past those two weeks of living like a hermit. It is a nice distraction, I must admit. If I ever need a break, I can always send out an e-mail with more questions to Angus Glen or continue to try to get in touch with the band (oh Kenny Munshaw... where art thou?). Or I can call my mom and find out who the latest people were to RSVP.

Actually, while we're on the topic of my mom, I've got to say that she is incredible. James and I could not plan or organize this wedding without her. My mom pulls together all the little details that are hard to control from London, such as picking up invitations, stuffing them and mailing them out. And she never complains or reminds me how lucky I am to have her. She just does it selflessly. I'm so thankful for my mom's help. I so thankful for both of my parents. Without them, law school and the wedding would not be possible.

(I think I have found my newest distraction from studying for exams.... blogging!) Pray for me... my first exam is Monday, April 18 @ 2:00pm.

Courtney @ 10:28 AM