Thursday, June 23, 2005

Last night was our second last pre-marital counselling session with Paul Johansen. Many people have asked James and I if we dread going, but we don't. Our experience is that it is something to look forward to. It has opened the dialogue between James and I on a level that is a bit deeper than we went before. It revealed to us some of our weaknesses, but also, many of our strengths that we didn't know existed. In the end, I think that these sessions made us love one another even more while also showing us that the issues we face with one another aren't so unique, but are actually pretty normal.

So I'm feeling refreshed and confident as I move into my marriage with James. It's funny how many people expect me to be completely stressed or panicked, but that's not my reality at all. I feel calm and maybe a little impatient too, because the day is still too far away!

I do have some prayer requests... firstly, is for Dave Moon, James' brother-in-law. He has developped carpal tunnel syndrome in his wrists and may find it difficult to play the piano on the day of the wedding. Since we are connected with many pianists, this doesn't pose too much of a problem in terms of the wedding, however, it is pretty uncomfortable for Dave.

Secondly, as many of you know, James is currently looking for a teaching position anywhere in Southern Ontario (since London isn't really hiring). Please pray that doors are opened and that we don't get discouraged as we play the waiting game.

Hope all is well for those reading!

Courtney @ 3:38 PM

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Today I arrived at work at 7:30am. Normally, I arrive at 9:00am, but my dad had a breakfast meeting, so I said that I would start early. The good news is that I will be able to leave the office at 3:30pm, instead of 5:00pm. The bad news is that I'm exhausted and just want to curl up and go to sleep under my desk!

As promised, I'm going to attempt to be a more consistent blogger and really provide a glimpse into what it is like to be a bride two weeks before her wedding. After serving up and cooking side dishes for the roast chicken my mom had left for us yesterday, I spent the evening being pampered. First I went for a pedicure... which I should have had a LONG time ago. Not that my feet get really gross with callouses or bunions or anything like that, they really just needed a boost in the looks department.

After spending over an hour at the nail salon, I went to the tanning salon. I KNOW, I KNOW... tanning is so bad for your skin... but when the groom is outside in this crazy heat and sun every day doing landscaping, and I'm stuck inside at a computer, I don't want to look like a ghost next to James in the wedding pictures. So I've been going about once a week to attain a healthy glow. Except that last night, the owner of the salon told me that I could go in for 15 minutes. I was skeptical, since I haven't been tanning in about 10 days, so my base colour isn't as dark... but he insisted. And sure enough, I got a on my face! The rest of me is fine though.. but I'm still frusterated. Next time, I'm just going to tell that guy how long I want to go in and I'm not going to let him convince me otherwise.

When I got home, James was working on the slideshow and cover page for the program! It's nice that James is such an involved groom. He has given his input all the way through, and as a result, I think our wedding will reflect OUR taste and not solely my taste.

Courtney @ 7:37 AM

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Over the next two weeks or so, I'd like to blog on a more regular basis, so as to sort of document my feelings and the busyness as we get closer to the date. That way I will be able to look back and laugh at myself or even say that I handled things well! As James and I get closer to the date, we appreciate all of your kind and encouraging words! Many of you are really looking forward to July 9th, and I can tell you... James and I are SOOOO excited that the anticipation is almost overwhelming!

I'd like to say that most things are completed, and in the grand scheme of things, I guess they are! But... there still remains many projects... ie: slideshow, programs, music for the set breaks of the band, name tags for the favours.... I'm sure there are other things I am forgetting...

James and I stayed up late last night talking about the wedding. We got so giggly! - what a manly word to describe him, I'm sure James would love to hear himself described as giggly! But that's really the best way to describe our feelings. Everything feels so surreal. Neither of us can believe that we have only 17 days left! It feels like yesterday that we had over a year to go... and now the big day is so close.

Anyway... this blog is only supposed to be a preliminary blog explaining where I'm trying to go over the next couple weeks with this whole site. I'd LOVE your feedback and words of encouragement, especially during this super crazy time! So post a comment!!

Also... if there is ANY music you would like played at the wedding either by the band or for the music between their sets (during their breaks we'll play hip hop, dance and other Top 40 stuff)... post it in the comments here and I'll see what I can do. But there will be no requests for action songs (ie: Macarena, Chicken Dance or Bunny Hop) and also no Celine Dion. Everything else is pretty much a go. So send your requests or suggestions!!

Courtney @ 8:47 AM

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

WHOA! Tomorrow is exactly one month to the day until the wedding! Everyone keeps asking me if I'm excited... OF COURSE I'm excited! This is going to be one of the biggest days of my life and it is going to have serious effects on my future! I'm not only excited... I'm impatient and eager and thrilled that it is so soon!

Everything is coming together. Last weekend we met with the florist and finalized all of the details for the flowers... although I may change some things!! :) What can I say? I'm a bit of a perfectionist!

My dad is recording the song he wrote for the wedding tonight so that he can provide copies to the band that he is organizing! Liz is practicing the songs she will be singing at the ceremony and reception and Dave, James' brother-in-law who is a superstar on the piano is picking up the songs with ease I'm sure! I can't wait to hear it! Last night we met with Mike Baggley, the MC for the reception and provided him with some details that he will need for the night. I told him not to worry, since I will have prepared an itinerary of the day!! (again... perfectionist!) The Wedding Banns will be read in church for the next three Sundays. The ceremony details will be completed tomorrow and the ring bearer, Ryan, has been fitted for his tuxedo! So cute!

So it's clear that there is so much going on! But it is SOOO much fun! This weekend is the last of the individual parties for me. Saturday is my bachelorette party, which I am completely stoked about and anxiously awaiting! We are going out for dinner and then the girls are going dancing in Toronto! So fun! Sunday is the last of the showers, thrown by James' sisters. It is a family shower from James' side of the family, and it will be really nice to see everyone again! But I have to admit, I am looking forward to a weekend at the cottage! I think we are going up on the 17th with Mel and Will and my parents. I can't wait to just relax!

So that's it... so many details... only one month left. Lots left to do too! But I'm not stressed or frantic... just trying to enjoy all these moments leading up to the BEST moment yet!

Courtney @ 12:50 PM